A Women Turned to be a Male in Pilyandala Police

A Women Turned to be a Male in Pilyandala Police

In Pilyandala Thambe hotel, two groups of people organized a birthday party. Hot drinks were served during the party and the youths became drunk. They were boisterous and fighting with each other. Hotel manager informed the police immediately.
The Pilyandala police came and arrested two boys and two girls, who were boisterous and behaved in an unruly manner. In the police station males and females were separated. The OIC had ordered the woman constable to take two females and do a thorough check.
Checking woman constable was shocked to see one of the girls was really a male. Woman constable in turn has taken both of them to the OIC and told him what she observed. The OIC has questioned the male, who dressed as a female. He replied telling that he was on female dress to impress the participants of the birthday party, which fact is known to the organizer. However, the OIC of Pilyandala has produced them before the court.