To assist people with visual impairment, a 12-years-old child invents special robot
(FASTNEWS | PALESTINE) – Despite limited resources, Mohammed al-Halaq, who is only 12 years old, managed to manufacture a useful robot that assists people with visual and hearing impairments walk alone without the fear of bumping into things.
The robot is basically a small car that operates sensors; when the user approaches a wall or any obstacle on the road, the car rings an alarm, and the remote control vibrates in the user’s hand.
For the elderly, he created a Sunflower Seeds peeler, along with an extraordinary robot for sterilization operated with sensors. To do so, he collects scrap pieces, from which he invents a masterpiece.
Born with such an exceptional potential, he decided to join Mrkz Bnat Alghd- the Culture and Free Thought Association, which is specialized in developing children’s skills and inventions, from where he was offered the opportunity to work more on his inventions.
It is worth mentioning that Al-Halaq dreams of manufacturing a human-robot so to get world recognition.
Source: A24 News Agency