Ravi Karunanayake Vs Khabir Hashim

Ravi Karunanayake Vs Khabir Hashim

Devagina news paper reported that two Chairmen and two Board of Directors were appointed to the same Institutions.

During 100 days program Ravi Karunanayake  in his capacity as Finance Minister appointed Chairmen and Board of Directors to Institutions coming under his Ministry.

In the National Government formed after the recent General Election, Ravi karunanayake was given the same portfolio of Finance Ministry. But some of the Institutions which were earlier  under the Finance Ministry were taken and brought  under newly established  State enterprises Development Ministry. Srilanka Insurance Corporation, Litro Gas, Lanka Hospital are few among them. Khabir Hashim  in charge of this newly established  Ministry appointed new Chairmen and Board of Directors to these Institutions. But current Chairmen and Board of Directors appointed earlier by Ravi Karunanayake refused to resign and pave way to new  Chairmen and Board of Directors to assume duties.

In the meantime Secretary to the President and Treasury Secretary reported to have ordered not to remove Chairmen and Board of Directors earlier appointed by Ravi Karunanayake.