“The Batman” Featurette & Character Talk
(FASTNEWS | COLOMBO) – While the new trailer for “The Batman” has been spread wide over the past 24 hours, before it aired on the DC Fandome broadcast came a short featurette and an interview conducted by director Matt Reeves on his film’s two key stars Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz.
That featurette is now online and can be seen below. Reeves discussed this version of the Bruce Wayne character in the interview, calling him effectively comparing him to a “recluse rockstar in a decaying manor”.
Pattinson meanwhile talked about his approach to the character who is still early in his career as Batman and hasn’t learnt to control his emotions as well as he should:
“He doesn’t have as much control over his personality. The delineation between when he’s Batman and when he’s Bruce is not so clear. In other iterations, he really knows what he’s doing when he’s putting on the cowl.
I kind of really liked this idea: it’s a little bit out of control. He hasn’t completely defined what Batman is. He gets lost in it. Whenever he’s putting it on every night, he’s basically not sleeping and becoming this quite sort of odd creature.”
“The Batman” releases on March 4th 2022.