Medicinal and aromatic herbs fever in Gaza
(FASTNEWS | PALESTINE) – He is considered an encyclopaedia of natural and aromatic herbal treatment, and he was the herbal medicine specialist of the late Palestinian President ‘Yasser Arafat’, who always preferred to use herbal medicines to relieve fatigue and exhaustion.
Jamal Ennaba, who confirmed that the turnout on herbal medicine has increased in the recent period after the increase o side effects of modern medicines, antibiotics and analgesics, as their use abundantly leads to kidney failure, according to what the World Health Organization warnings.
Ennaba stated that some herbs such as rosemary are used to treat anemia, dizziness and headaches, and during the outbreak of COVID, Ennaba have prescribed some herbs to strengthen immunity and relieve pain for patients who not allowed taking chemical painkillers.
Source: A24 News Agency