The failure to arrest Hirunika is a shameless act!

The failure to arrest Hirunika is a shameless act!

Police is frightened and scared to arrest Hirunika despite the entire abduction episode recorded in CCTV camera was shown to the Public through TV news telecast and TV Programmes. We worked hard to bring this good governance in place to govern the country. Hirunicka, who advocated against white van syndrome then is now abducting people in Defender vehicles. This is absolutely wrong. Even if Ranjan Ramanayake does this, he should be arrested. Police was dead scared to touch politicians during the previous Government. They have not been completely released from this mentality. An eye witness, a small child has related the real story of what happened on that day. Even after this evidence,Police try to pass on the buck to Attorney General Department and escape from their responsibility. It is a shameless act that she has not been arrested yet. Ranjan Ramanayake, MP said in addressing youths.