Declare President’s Stance on SAITM

Declare President’s Stance on SAITM

To liberalize education and provide more opportunities to Srilankan students , the Government has taken a policy decision to allow foreign Universities and Educational Institutions to established the branches in Srilanka and operate.

The IUSF and GMOA are dead against this move.Recently private  Malabe Medical College Students were permitted to do their internship in Government Hospitals.This act has been seen as a potential threat to their survival by IUSF and GMOA .

In this regard ,  a discussion was held between the Prime Minister and the Government Medical Officers’ Association (GMOA) in temple trees in connection with  private medical universities, on Monday.

In the meantime ,  Health Minister Rajitha Senaratne said that the GMOA showed no protest with regard to the establishment of  private medical universities. But GMOA has denied accepting establishment of Private Medical Universities

The IUSF says that President Maithreepala Sirisena should make a statement regarding his stance on SAITM.