Why Rohithga Abeygunawardene not arrested? Question in Legal Circle

Why Rohithga Abeygunawardene not arrested? Question in Legal Circle

Bribery Commission has filed plaint in the court against  former Minister of Mahinda’s Regime, for his failure to account for 41.1 million he has earned between 2004 and 2006. This case was filed under section 23(A) of the Bribery Act.

Normally if a person is charged under bribery act, bribery officials along with the police seek Court’s permission to arrest the person under section 30 of the Bribery Act.

Although  the magnitude of  Rohitha’s offence is serious, permission was not sought from the court to arrest him. Reason said to be that a former Commissioner of the Bribery Commission of Mahinda’s era has been appointed to the New Bribery Commission now functions and he exerts his influence to delay the arrest.

This has caused much concerns among in the legal circles. Will he be arrested or allowed to be free under good governance, is the question asked by Public?