Natural Energy Drinks

Natural Energy Drinks

There are many ways we can boost our energy throughout the day. Opting for sugar laden, chemical and caffeine filled drinks will only give a short, unnatural burst of energy, wearing down our adrenal glands and contributing to serious long-term health problems.

So instead of reaching for that can of Red Bull or Coca-Cola, why not give your body a natural energy boost with these delicious pick-me-ups. They’ll have you powering through your day without an energy crash!

1. Matcha Green Tea

Matcha is made from green tea leaves that contain L-Theanine and a small amount of naturally occurring caffeine (less than coffee!), both providing energy-boosting effects.
It helps to invigorate your metabolism gently lifting you without any energy slumps!

Combine 1 cup of water, 1 teaspoon of organic pure maple syrup and 2 teaspoons of matcha powder. Mix well and enjoy hot or cold.

2. Coco-Hydro Smoothie

Coconut water and bananas contain high amounts of potassium to help regulate and maintain healthy cells and their natural production of energy.

Blend ½ cup coconut water, ½ cup nut milk, ½ a ripe banana and ½ an orange.

3. Berry Fresh Juice

Berries are rich in fibre which helps to slowly release the energy from their natural sugars. The lime adds a zesty tang to boost the berries pep up power.

Blend 1 cup water, 1 cup mixed berries, and the juice of 1 lime.

4. Iced Green Chia Tea

Green tea gently energizes whilst chia is rich in protein and healthy omega-3 fats giving you long lasting energy. The honey adds a dash of sweetness and gives an extra energy kick.

Mix 1 cup green tea, 1 tablespoon of chia seeds and 1 teaspoon of honey.
