If Mahinda in Power,Situation Would have been Different Today

If Mahinda in Power,Situation Would have been Different Today

The leader of Opposition, Sampanthan went and met people in  Kopay in Northern Province. He met journalist and answered their questions . During his visit , he said that no one  can say that nothing has happened after the change of regime. If Mahinda is still in power 100% dangerous situation would have been faced by the people. Mahinda picked up National Security as an issue and going round the country discrediting the government. Dinesh Gunawardena is another one trying to fish out of troubled water. New Government was formed with members of  two major political parties.President is from the SLFP and the Prime Minister is from the UNP. A good combination. None of them had majority in Parliament. We support the government expecting  the ethnic issue will be resolved in an acceptable manner by all concerned. Although  new government assumed office, some of the problems such as non settling refugees in their own native place and removal of security forces to the level of what was existing then before the struggle started is yet to be addressed by the state. No end to grabbing land from people under various pretext is another pressing problem of the people. On journalist questioning about the Geneva issue, he said that the United Nations Human Rights Council’s 32 nd Session commences on 13th June 2016 and the Commissioner is expected to submit a verbal version of what  follow up steps taken since last session. This verbal report will include steps taken by the Srilanka Government to date, he said. He beliefs that president and the prime Minister will work hard to find an acceptable solution to ethnic problem, he said