Emma Watson’s Met Gala Dress was made out of Plastic Bottles

Emma Watson’s Met Gala Dress was made out of Plastic Bottles

We always knew we loved Emma Watson. Her incredible talent, passion for gender equality, and now her amazing Met Gala gown that highlights the pollution caused by plastics. This woman knows how to take a stance on things that matter, and she does so in a classy, strong way. Take a look at her outfit below:

The whole piece was designed by Calvin Klein and Eco Age, and is entirely made from plastic bottles.

Emma said on Facebook: “The body of the gown is crafted from three different fabrics, all woven from yarns made from recycled plastic bottles (!). Plastic is one of the biggest pollutants on the planet. Being able to repurpose this waste and incorporate it into my gown for the Met Gala proves the power that creativity, technology and fashion can have by working together.

Each and every part of this beautiful gown has been produced with sustainability in mind, even the components that you can’t see. The zippers on the gown are made from recycled materials and the inner bustier has been crafted from organic cotton.

It is my intention to repurpose elements of the gown for future use. The trousers can be worn on their own, as can the bustier, the train can be used for a future red carpet look… I’m looking forward to experimenting with this. Truly beautiful things should be worn again and again and again.”