European Union Places Conditions for GSP Plus

European Union Places Conditions for GSP Plus

After a study of the conditions laid down by the EU, the Ministry of foreign Affairs has reported to have agreed to implement 58 conditions linking to human rights, national security and other domestic concerns with trade etc. Some of the conditions said to have been included are:
1. Revoke the prevention of Terrorism Act.
2. Expedite cases of remaining detainees.
3. Introduce a new human rights action plan.
4. Review the status of the Tamil diaspora organizations and individuals on the terrorist list.
5. Devolve power under the new constitution.
6. Return all private land to legitimate owners in the North.
7. Adopt a policy of National reconciliation and on National resettlement of all displaced persons.
8. Ratify the Convention on Enforced Disappearances with the legislation as well as issue certificates of absence.
The Srilanka has to fulfill this prerequisite before applying for GSP Plus facility. Accordingly, it appears that it is not an easy task as stated by a few politicians to get back GSP Plus facility.