Sinhala Only Hand Manuals to Eastern Province Trainee Pricipals

Sinhala Only Hand Manuals to Eastern Province Trainee Pricipals

Training Courses are conducted  Island wide  for 4000 new principals selected through competitive examination. In some  placers of training courses such as Ampara, Tricomale and Batticaloe, hand manuals are given only in Sinhala language during training. Trainee principals from these areas  are not proficient in Sinhala language, finds it difficult to understand the contents.
At the end of the training course, they have to sit for an examination. Only, if they pass this examination and practical session , they will be given principal appointments. Without understanding what is in  hand manuals, how can they sit for this examination, they asked?
Will the relevant authorities  look into this and redress their grievance?