Best Way To Care For Fair Skin

Best Way To Care For Fair Skin

Fair complexion to most people is a gift from their ancestors. Though it a blessing, you need to take good care of it so as to retain the blessing. When you have been bestowed with great complexion, you will have to take care of it in the right way.
The best thing about fair complexion is that almost any type of makeup, dress or colour looks great on such people. On the other hand, a simple little sun spot may look awesomely ugly on a fair complexion.Such a spot may go almost unnoticeable on a wheatish complexion.
Care For Fair Skin
Here are some of the fair skin care tips:
Sunscreen Tips:
sunscreen kids
Sunscreen application is necessary for fair-skinned people. Do this on a regular basis to keep sunburns at bay.
Nowadays, you can feel the harshness of sunrays. Especially during the peak hours, this is from 8am to at least 4pm, especially in India.
Therefore, you should always apply sunscreen at least 20-30 minutes before stepping out into the sun.
Re-application of sunscreen and Clothing:
Re application of sunscreen and Clothing
Always carry a small sunscreen tube in your bag. Re-apply sunscreen every 5-6 hours for best results.
Clothing can do a lot to the skin,especially on certain important and sunburn prone parts of the body. It is always helpful to follow the ‘Better safe than sorry’ policy.Wear long sleeved clothing under harsh sunrays. Don’t forget to wear hats and carry umbrellas.
Wear whitish colours to deflect sunrays away. Avoid bare back clothing;do not even dream about stepping out wearing black.
Out on a Summer trip:
someone sitting
If you are going to spend your summers in a beach resort,more so on a sunny island,avoid staying under the sun for too long.
Step under the shade after a little while, this helps in avoiding sun damage to your skin.
The Diet:
Your diet should include more of fruits;they are rich in anti-oxidants, especially apples,grapes, strawberries and peaches.Also, fruits like lemons and limes and oranges contain vitamin C.
These are equally helpful for the human body.
These will help recover your skin from within by repairing the cells.
Best Tanning tips for fair skin:
Tanning beds that have been in fashion for so long, mimic the UVA and UVB rays of the suns are not just bad for your skin but also risky!WHO, the World Health Organization says, the tanning beds increase the risk of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer.So, try avoiding such beds. If you do need tan, then go out into the sun with light sunscreen which contains less SPF.
You can even try your hands on some tanning lotions or creams.
Removing sun burn:
And don’t forget. Even if you do not see the sun, you can still get tanned!
The sun is still there hiding behind the clouds. So, even if there are cloudy days, it can still confuse you.
Do not forget to wear a good sunscreen even on days that appear cloudy.
These rays may not affect so much to a dusky skinned girl as compared to a fair-skinned girl. Given the fact that 80-85% of sun’s UVA and UVB rays can penetrate the clouds and hit your skin, damage does persist.
Sun burn on a fair complexion is no less than a nightmare. Since your skin is fair, your sunburn will be more visible and make your skin look patchy. Fair-skinned people find it more difficult to deal with such situations as compared to wheatish or dusky complexions.
To get rid of sun burns, you may rub cold cucumber or potato slices on your face. You can even massage cold natural aloe Vera gel on your skin.
Vinegar or lemon juice can be used. You can apply it with a cotton ball. Do this on a regular basis.Keep in mind that your skin may become photosensitive after its usage. Therefore, while using these two, you must use sunscreen every day. Do this as a daily chore, whether you step out or not.
A Special Mask:
face pack
You can use Cocoa. It contains a lot of anti-oxidants, which is great for fair skin.
Make a chocolate face mask by melting non-sweetened bar chocolates over indirect heat.
If you cannot get bar chocolates, make a face pack with market available cocoa powder along with a little honey and milk.
This mask will help tighten and tone your face.At the same time, it keeps your fair skin far away from sunburns or pigmentations.
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