Ananda Vice Principal beats student, student in hospital for 2 days

Ananda Vice Principal beats student, student in hospital for 2 days

The Father of the student who was recently beaten by Ananda College Deputy Principal has written a letter to Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe asking for a fair solution to the matter.

Upali Jayawardena the father of the victimized student was also a student at Ananda and states that such a prestigious school should not be tarnished by incidents like this and requests an inquiry be made into the matter so further incidents do not occur.

Mr. Jayawardena states that his son was harshly beaten by the Vice Principal then sent to the school’s sick room where he was given 3 types of medication after which he vomited. He also claims that the Vice Principal rudely shouted at him while he was meeting with the Principal after coming to the school after being informed about the incident.

His son had been in the hospital for 2 days after the beating.