FCID Proceed to US and  Red Signal to Anarkali 

FCID Proceed to US and  Red Signal to Anarkali 

Anarkali is currently residing in the US. Recently a damaged double CAB vehicle, which was issued during Local Government elections to Anarkali said to have met with an accident at Deniyaya. Later this vehicle was kept in a garage in Matara. While   Police has recovered this vehicle from the garage  recently, most of its parts were found removed. On an initiative taken by MP Dilum Amunugama, Senkadagala Navodaya had issued   this vehicle to her. Police is contemplating to file a case against Anarkali. If she fails to attend Court, assistance of INTERPOL will be sought after issuing red notice by the Court.
In the meantime, two officers of the Financial Criminal Investigation Division (FCID) are scheduled to visit Anarkali in US to investigate certain matters connected with the CHOGM 2013 held in Srilanka.