Update: Afghan Parliament under Taliban Attack [Watch Live Video]

Update: Afghan Parliament under Taliban Attack [Watch Live Video]

The Taliban claimed an ongoing attack on the Afghan parliament on Monday in the capital city Kabul.

Local media reported that at least six explosions were heard near the parliament building, including a car bomb.

Police were working to evacuate the building while clashing with attackers. Police Chief Gen Abdul Rahman Rahimi told local television that all lawmakers were safe.

The Taliban reportedly said the attack was carried out to coincide with a vote to endorse a new defense minister, the BBC reports. Defense Minister Massoom Stanekzai was slated to be introduced to MPs, who need to endorse him. “Suicide bombers have attacked outside the [parliamentary] building,” Al Jazeera’s Jennifer Glasse reported. “There are burning cars outside the building.”

[youtube url=” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL4773f1Y0o&feature=youtu.be ” width=”560″ height=”315″]

(Updated: 1.14 PM)

Breaking News: Explosion rocks Afghan parliament [Images Inc..]

Panic spread and members of parliament left the session after explosion.

Afghan MPs were seen in TV footage leaving the house.

Officials have not yet released information regarding the situation in parliament located in Darul Aman, an important part of Kabul city.

Security forces have cordoned off the area and eye witnesses report gun shots in the area.

Taliban claim responsibility for the attack.

This story is subject to update…

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