Burning of Mahinda’s Effigy in Malaysia (video)

Burning of Mahinda’s Effigy in Malaysia (video)

Tamil diaspora in Malaysia staged a protest demonstration against visiting Former President of Srilanka, Mahinda Rajapakshe in front of Srilankan Embassy in Malaysia yesterday. They shouted slogans in Tamil and Malay language. Some of the slogans are:
  1. War criminal Rajapakshe don’t come into Malaysia.
  2. Leave Malaysia immediately.
Demonstrators carried and Effigy of Mahinda Rajapakshe and burned it at the end of the demonstration. In the meantime, Mahinda Rajapakshe met those representatives, who came to Malaysia to participate South Asia Political Parties convention. Especially he met the representative of China Communist Party.
Video as follow:
[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dI0AFpt1-Uw” width=”560″ height=”315″]