Mahinda Denies Forming a New Party

Mahinda Denies Forming a New Party

Mahinda Rajapakshe said that, he has no idea of forming a new political party. Only people will have to decide the need for a new political party. He said this yesterday in an event held in urapola Temple, Yatinuwara Pilimathalawa, Kandy.
In reply to a question by Journalist, he said that what planned on 8th October in Ratnapura is not to form a new Political Party but gathering of intellectuals.
The Government says that they are working for reconciliation but they destroyed reconciliation. To make them understand reconciliation is equivalent to play Veena (fiddle) to a deaf elephant. What happen in the North is bringing sufferings to the people. If not we finished the war Northern Chief Minister has got the post. Government is unable to clarify it’s own work. There is big challenge for us some one is interested in changing the constitution thus removing the priority given to the Buddhism.
If the Government continues with the same tendency, they need for a new Party will arise automatically, he concluded.