Forming a New Political Party by Mahinda Faction Fizzles?

Forming a New Political Party by Mahinda Faction Fizzles?

In the recent past talk of the town is about forming a New Political Party by Mahinda Faction. Basil Rajapakshe continued to assert that the new Party will be inaugurated on 8th October 2016. Some vociferous members of the Joint Opposition too threatened that the new Political Party is in the forming. However, former President Mahinda Rajapakshe while addressing in Buddhist temple day before yesterday said, there is no truth in it and said what was planned at Ratnapura on October 8th is a meeting with the intellectuals. Most of the opposition MPs evade answering the question on forming a new Party raised by Journalists.
Now Mahinda fold Dallas Algaperuma said, that the Former President Mahinda has no idea of forming a New Political Party thus dividing the SLFP. Now they twist that they are going to form a United Front to demand Local Government election, which was not held for more than 1 year and 2 months. Government politicians indicate different dates for the Local Government Election puzzling the public.
It appears that forming a new Political Party fizzles?