7 Reasons Why You Should Save Those Potato Peels

7 Reasons Why You Should Save Those Potato Peels

This verse from the popular ‘Potato’ song by Cheryl Wheeler says it all. Now let’s be honest, how many of us actually keep our potatoes intact (with its skin and all), unless we have the quintessential recipes in mind—like the potato wedges which can’t be made without the skin! None of us, right? We take that first opportunity to peel off the golden edges and eventually throw them into the bins.
I used to do that too until I learned how ‘potato skins are much healthier than the actual pulp.’ No, this is not an escape from being all lazy and not skinning off the potatoes—or actually, it can be (imagine the relief of not sitting for hours peeling that annoying skin off your dozen potatoes). But, potato peels, in fact, are a value addition to our health and beauty. Here’s what all a humble potato peel can do. Before we begin, did you know that potatoes are the fourth most consumed food in the world after corn, rice, and wheat?
  1. Rich source of essential nutrients: Potassium, iron, vitamin B3—name any nutrient and you will find them in the potato peels. The special ‘K’ helps keep our metabolism intact, further aiding proper functioning of the nervous and the muscular system. On the other hand, iron (Fe) helps in the production of the RBCs and the vitamin B3 (niacin) aids cell functioning in the body. All in all, these nutrients are essential to keep us healthy and happy.
  1. Rich in fiber: Another significant health provider; fiber helps us feel full for longer, aiding weight loss. It also lowers blood cholesterol levels, thus reducing the chances of a heart disease or a stroke.
  1. Fights gray hair: It might be an old grandma trick, but multiple trials and studies have shown that potato peels can actually help reduce graying of hair. You can make this potato peel treatment to get darker hair in a matter of weeks:
  • Take a cup of potato peels (feel free to use the remnants of your afternoon meal) and place them in a saucepan.
  • Add two cups of water and bring them to a boil.
  • Let it give the first boil and then lower the heat. Simmer for five to eight minutes.
  • Switch off the heat source and let the mix cool completely.
  • Strain and save the liquid in a glass container and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to it.
  • Use this scented liquid to massage your hair after you have rinsed out your shampoo and conditioner.
  • Repeat this process every time you shampoo to get rid of the gray hair in no time.
  1. Even skin tone: Potatoes are great, but potato peels are even exceptional when it comes to providing instant fairness and reducing the blemishes and marks. Blend a cup of potato peels in a blender and squeeze out the oil from it. Now, massage your face evenly with this oil and leave it on for half an hour or so (until it completely dries). Wash it off with regular water and put on a moisturizer. You can repeat this process twice a week to get an even skin tone.
For dark spots, it’s better to rub the peel directly on the area for about two to three minutes, followed by an application of lemon juice on top of it. Remove the treatment after two minutes with the help of cold water.
5. A Healthy Pre-Dinner Snack
This so assumed ‘waste’ product can be roasted or shallow fried to make a delicious snack item. Of course, if you have just peeled them off, the dinner is quite away. So, utilize the time by doing a quick roasting of these skins and season them with a little salt and pepper. Your pre-dinner snack is ready!
  1. Adds nutrition to soups: A rich source of phytonutrients, phytoenzymes and antioxidants potato peels can not only up the nutritional value of your soups but also make them creamier and tastier.
  1. Fights pigmentation and lightens skin: The next time you decide to discard the peels, try rubbing them over your skin. Be it dark circles or even scars, these peels can do wonders to reverse the damage. Try for yourself.
So, if you are not up to composting and all, and simply throwing these ‘bits of heaven’ into the dustbin, think twice. Why ditch this amazing part of this underground stem tuber when you can use them to be all fab and healthy?
Do you know of any more uses of potato peels that we have left out? Do share with us in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you.
Courtesy : .stylecraze