UPFA’s Mathew Signs Delimitation Report

UPFA’s Mathew Signs Delimitation Report

The United People’s Freedom Alliance representative former Sabaragamuwa mayor Saliya Mathew today signed the final report complied by the Delimitation Committee.
His signature was one of two missing on the final report leading Local Government and Provincial Councils Minister Faiszer Mustapha to refuse to accept the report when it was presented to him on Monday.
The United National Party’s A.S.M. Misbar was the other committee member who had not yet signed the final report, citing a need to read the report once more before placing his signature on it.
The five-member committee, appointed by Minister Mustapha in December 2015, also comprises Chairman Asoka Pieris and Upul Kumaraperuma and Professor B. Balasundarampillai  representing the JVP and the TNA respectively.
Courtesy – Daily news