If You Put a Clove of Garlic in Your Ear, This Is What Will Happen!

If You Put a Clove of Garlic in Your Ear, This Is What Will Happen!

Let’s just accept that an ear infection can cause lots of pain and agony. The pain ranges from a dull throb to a sharp and stabbing distraction. If you are prone to ear infections, you can very well relate to this trauma.
I have been repeatedly suffering from ear infections for a few years now. The worst part about an ear infection is that you cannot concentrate on anything else as the pain is not confined to the ear alone. It radiates down the jaw, and sometimes even the neck. I tried all kinds of medication to cure it. I also did a lot of research on the topic to understand the root cause of an ear infection. Here’s what I found:
If You Put a Clove of Garlic in Your Ear, This Is What Will Happen1
 Ear infections are usually caused by the accumulation of bacteria or viruses in the middle ear, and are more common in children than in adults. Some of the factors that can worsen an ear infection are food allergies, nutritional deficiency, infections in the respiratory system, and wax build-up. The symptoms of ear infection, in addition to experiencing pain in the ears, are nausea, headache, and pain in the upper body along with fever. Some people also have problems in sleeping.
Although it is recommended to visit a medical practitioner if the condition is severe, there are a few tried and tested home remedies you can try to relieve yourself of the pain. These natural remedies can help treat and reduce the inflammation and pain caused by an ear infection.
Of all the remedies, garlic is one of the best options to cure an ear infection and associated problems. If you are wondering how garlic helps in treating an ear infection, here you go.
We all are well aware of the antibacterial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties of garlic. No wonder, this pungent clove is one among the wonder foods. These properties of garlic help eliminate the infection-causing bacteria in the ear and reduce pain and inflammation.
Apart from these properties, garlic is rich in allicin, which works against the infection-causing bacteria and viruses. Also, garlic contains a few powerful aromatic compounds that are antiseptic in nature. These compounds can be easily absorbed by the skin and the tissues surrounding the eardrum.
There are several ways in which you can use garlic to treat an ear infection. But the method that I used and that worked wonders for me is as follows:
If You Put a Clove of Garlic in Your Ear, This Is What Will Happen2
 Take a clove of garlic and peel off the skin. Make sure it is clean. Put it in your ear hole. When you choose a garlic clove, check the size to see if it fits perfectly in your ear or not. Though the pain and inflammation will be gone within a few minutes, I suggest you leave it in overnight as an earplug. You will feel the heat or warmth spreading through your ear.
This method also helps in treating headaches and lowering the body temperature. If you are suffering from high fever, chop the garlic clove into thick slices and soak them in apple cider vinegar for some time. Put this solution into the ears and massage it on your foot. The fever will disappear within minutes.
Garlic can also be used to cure a persistent cough. Here’s how you can make an effective and natural cough syrup with garlic:
Take 2-3 tablespoons of honey (preferably natural honey) and a clove of garlic. Peel the garlic and cut it into thin slices. Put both the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Cover the bowl with a plate or aluminum foil. Leave it like that overnight at room temperature. Strain the mixture the next morning and have a tablespoon of this syrup every two hours. This tonic is very effective in treating cold and cough.
Other Ways In Which You Can Use Garlic To Treat An Ear Infection
  1. Peel and crush a few garlic cloves. Wrap them in a small and clean cloth. Place this cloth on your ears and leave it on for 30 minutes. Then, take it off. You will feel much better after doing this. Repeat this process every 2 hours.
  2. Mash a few garlic cloves and put them on a piece of cloth. Mash well enough so that the juice comes out of the cloves. Quickly fold the piece of cloth and dab it on your ears so that the garlic juice penetrates deep into your ears. This will also give instant relief.
  3. Take a pan and heat a tablespoon of mustard oil along with 3-4 crushed garlic cloves. Heat it for a few minutes and then apply this oil around and inside your ears.
  4. Boil half a cup of water and add 4-5 garlic cloves to it. Let it boil for 10 minutes. After removing it from heat, crush the cloves and add salt. Transfer this mixture to a cloth and then put this cloth over the infected ear for some time. Repeat the procedure every other hour.
  5. You can also use garlic oil to treat ear infections. All you have to do is mix it with a few drops of olive oil or mullein oil. Pour a drop of this oil mixture into your ear using an ear dropper. You can also pour a drop of warm garlic oil into your ears for instant relief. But, make sure the oil is not hot to avoid scalding your ears.
This is how you can treat ear infections using a garlic clove. Try these remedies out and let us know which one worked for you.
Courtesy : stylecraze