Rishad Assured Continued  Corporation  for Common Wealth Commercial Activities

Rishad Assured Continued Corporation for Common Wealth Commercial Activities

Common Wealth  countries  Commerce Ministers Conference  was inaugurated in  Lanchestor House.   Srilanka Minister of  Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiudeen participated in this conference representing Srilanka  along with Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade , Malik Samarawickrama. At this conference Minister Rishad had made a request to Common Wealth countries  to assist Srilanka   to enhance and promote trade. Further he said, his meeting with the Secretary General of the Common Wealth is  giving pleasure.
For our international trade relation Srilanka is receiving favourable assistance .  Long relationship exists  between  Common Wealth stand an Srilanka. Current conference in London will be a prelude  to enhance trade.
The theme of the conference  ‘’ Agenda  in  growth path’’  will be  helpful  to our Government’s   industrial  and commerce restructure.
 In addition trade promotion, investment and creating job opportunities will also get benefited, he said.
Meeting between the Secretary  General   of  Common Wealth is  fruitful. Secretary  General   of  Common Wealth has thanked  for Srilanka’s contribution and assured  technical Assistant to Srilanka.

Rishad Assured Continued Corporation for Common Wealth Commercial Activities