Will Eastern Provincial Council Pave Way to Achieve a Fully Fledged Hospital in Kinniya?

Will Eastern Provincial Council Pave Way to Achieve a Fully Fledged Hospital in Kinniya?

After tsunami attack, a Temporary hospital was established in Kinniya. This hospital lacked necessary medical officers, medical personnel, medicine and equipment facilities. Under this circumstances dangerous dengue spreaded like wild fire and taken valuable lives of 15 people and left thousands of patients getting treatment in hospital and at homes. Minister Rishad spearheaded among politicians, who camped in Kinniya and looked after the interest of dengue patients. He identified the shortcomings and swiftly taken action in consultation with the President, Prime Minister, Minister of Health, Eastern Province Chief Minister, area MPs and politicians. Kinniya hospital has failed to save lives of people during dengue attack. Kinniya people in unison, Community leaders, various Muslim religious organizations, Parliamentarians and politicians have made a request to the Minister of Industry and Commerce to obtain a fully fledged hospital for Kinniya people. It could be made a reality only if the hospital is brought under the Central Government. But the Kinniya hospital is currently coming under the administration of the Eastern Provincial Council. In a meeting held on 22 nd March 2017 to review the progress made in eradicating dengue programme at Kinniya Public Library, where Chief Minister of Eastern Province was in attendance , Minister Rishard made a public request to him to release the Kinniya hospital to the Central Government in the best interest of the people to enable him to get amodern hospital for Kinniya. In response Chief Minister in his speech said, although he appreciated the good intention of the Minister Rishad, the request came when Provincial Councils fight to retain and get more powers from the Central Government. Further, there are several procedures need to be followed in this connection. First of all approval of the Eastern Provincial Council should be obtained. For that consent of all members of the Eastern Provincial Council need to be mobilized. Subsequently approval of the Ministry of Health should be obtained. Although agitation for a new modern hospital for Kinniya is increasing, politician’s thinking is who should govern it? Observers say ,as the Minister Rishad had discussed this matter with the President, the Prime Minister and obtained assurance from the Health Minister, this Golden opportunity should not be lost.