Rishad Ruled Out Rice Shortage in Srilanka

Rishad Ruled Out Rice Shortage in Srilanka

There is no question of  rice shortage in Srilanka . Thailand has agreed to supply 1 lakh Metic Ton of Nadu Rice to Srilanka.  Steps have been taken  to sent  a letter of understanding  and documents related to purchase order within one week to  Thailand Government.
Myanmar is already decided  to supply 30, 000 MT of White Rice between the prices US$ 290 and US$350 per Metric Ton . Further  Myanmar expressed it’s willingness to supply Nadu Rice by September.
Pakistan  also decided to supply 25,000 MT of White Rice.  But it has not decided on the price.  Negotiations  are being held between the two countries to decide on the price  . Hence, by September 1 lakh MT of  Nadu  Rice will be exported to Srilanka by  Pakistan .  On completion of rice imports from Thailand and Pakistan there  can’t be any reason for rice shortage in Srilanka , said Minister of Industry and Commerce  Rishad Bathiudeen .