GMOA Decided to Go on a Token Day Strike on Tuesday

GMOA Decided to Go on a Token Day Strike on Tuesday

The Central Working Committee of the GMOA met today and discussed about future action. GMOA’s 115 branch officials were invited and participated in the meeting held today (23). GMOA General Secretary today announced to the press that the GMOA has unanimously decided to go on a token day strike from 800 hrs on Tuesday (25).
The strike action is to register their strong protest against the way police tried to arrest Coordinator of the Medical Students Faculty, keeping All University Students Federation convener Lahiru Weerasekera and other university students in remand, no action on SAITM and not announcing the name of the new Chairman for the Srilanka Medical Council.
Further, the General Secretary of the GMOA said, that they will wait and take continuous strike action if the state does not respond to the above issues, he concluded.