Government  Decided  to Pay 75,000 to PC Councillors

Government  Decided  to Pay 75,000 to PC Councillors

Srilanka Government  reported to have decided  to pay  Provincial Council  Councillors Rs 25,000 and Rs 50,000 for   telephone charges and administrative  expenses respectively.
Currently  North West  and Southern Provincial Council Councillors  are being paid Rs25,000  for their telephone charges. Although  they were promised Rs50,000  for their administrative expenses , it was not paid to date.
Hence, the Government  said to have decided  that on the basis of paying Provincial Councillors at least 50%  of the  remuneration   and allowances  paid to MPs, it was decided  to pay Rs 75,000 to Provincial Councillors.
It will cost in the Government Rs 45 million  in the year of  2017.