20 th Amendment Passed in Western Provincial Council With Majority Votes (UPDATE)

20 th Amendment Passed in Western Provincial Council With Majority Votes (UPDATE)

The Chairman regretted the way some senior members behaved in the Council. When the vote was called 51 members voted for it while 41 members voted against it, thus passing 20 th amendment to the constitution with majority vote.
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A Tense Situation in  Western Provincial Council 
A tense situation has been reported at the Western Provincial Council following a heated exchange of words between government and opposition councilors during today’s session.
The session was postponed until 4th September  due to the tense situation,  which had prevailed during the debate on the draft bill of the 20th amendment to the constitution, to hold elections for all PCs on the same day.
Before a vote was taken on the bill, Chief Minister of the Western Province Isura Devapriya called for a party leaders’ meeting and proposed that the bill should be re submitted to the council.
Provincial council members representing the Joint Opposition(JO)  raised objections to this resulting in an uproar in the chamber,  while they even proceeded to grab the Mace and attempted to make off with it.
Provincial councilors representing the United National Party (UNP) then intervened by taking the Mace from their possession and taking it out of the chamber.