Government Abandoned 20th Amendment?

Government Abandoned 20th Amendment?

The 20th amendment to the constitution to ensure all provincial council elections to be held on one day ran into controversy and rejected by some Provincial Councils, civil organisations, political parties and civil society. Some of them went to the Supreme Court.   20th amendment was referred to the constitutional court to determine whether it is in consistence or not in consistence with the constitution. The constitutional court determination will be conveyed to the Speaker on Tuesday 19th. Followed by it, it will be placed by Speaker in the Parliament.
However, the Supreme Court reported to have determined that the 20th amendment could be passed in Parliament with 2/3 majority and referendum.
In the meantime, the 20th amendment was scheduled to be taken up for debate on Wednesday on 20th September.
Under these circumstances, the government has decided to abandon introducing 20th amendment to the constitution.