Clearing the Clouds Around Dr. Neville Fernando Hospital Funding

Clearing the Clouds Around Dr. Neville Fernando Hospital Funding

In the recent past certain statements made by politicians  have created wrong ideas among the people regarding  funding and accounting of the Dr. Neville Fernando Hospital, said Acting Director General of Health Services Dr. J.M.W. Jayasundara Bandara in a statement.
To clear the clouds , he said a new bank account has been opened for Dr. Neville Fernando Hospital with the approval of the  Ministry of Health. All funds allocated by the Health Ministry to Dr. Neville Fernando Hospital will be deposited in this new account.
Although the Teaching Hospital will continue to bear Dr. Neville Fernando ‘s name only as an appreciation for his donation doesn’t indicate  it’s ownership to him.
The major  difference between the Sri Jayawardenepura Hospital and the Dr. Neville Fernando Hospital is  that the latter doesn’t charge money from any patient for any treatment. All services will be conducted free of charge, he concluded.