PRECIFAC Refers 144 Petitions to FCID, CIABOC & CID for Investigation

PRECIFAC Refers 144 Petitions to FCID, CIABOC & CID for Investigation

The anti-corruption commission has handed over 144 petitions on fraud and corruption to the Financial Crime Investigation Division (FCID), Commission to Investigate Allegations on Bribery or Corruption (CIABOC) and the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) to carry out further investigations, its Secretary H.W. Gunadasa said.
The Presidential Commission of Inquiry to Investigate and Inquire into Serious Acts of Fraud, Corruption and Abuse of Power (PRECIFAC) has received 1,600 petitions. But under its’ mandate only 34 cases on large-scale fraud, corruption and misuse of power could be investigated by them, said its’ Secretary H.W.Gunadasa. Hence, 68, 47 and 20 petitions on fraud and corruption have been referred to the CIABOC, FCID and CID respectively. PRECIFAC has already handed over 17 final reports on large-scale fraud and corruption to the President for further legal action.
They are now able to complete all pending reports before PRECIFAC’s third extension ends on 3 December, said Gunadasa.