House Breaking Habitual Thief Finally Captured

House Breaking Habitual Thief Finally Captured

A 45 year old man, who started stealing at the age of 20 has developed into large scale house breaking robber. He is from Nawagamuwa, Ranagala area. He has deserted his wife and pretended to be living in a rented out house in Ragama. But he really rented out a room in Grandpass and carried out his stealing profession for a long time.
Every day morning he gets dressed like an officer going for work and commences his job. He walks and identifies closed houses. He knocks at the door. If inmates appear and come, he produces bogus address of a house in that area and asked the way to go there. If no response from inmates, he enters the house and comfortably breaks open the window and rob whatever valuables available. He used the same modus operandi and robbed in more than 15 houses in several areas of Colombo, which included Thalangama, Maharagama, Kohuwala and Athurugiriya.
He has registered as a member of a leading Casino and he visits there frequently. In addition he has fallen to beautiful women and became a regular customer of brothel houses. He spends money lavishly on casino and brothel.
Finally he was arrested by the police. When he was arrested, he is in possession of gold valued over 25 lakhs and silver valued over 2 lakhs, valueless diamonds and lap tops, which were taken into police custody.