Several Other Railway Trade Unions Commence Protest Campaign

Several Other Railway Trade Unions Commence Protest Campaign

Several railway trade unions which had not participated in the week-long strike that concluded yesterday have commenced an indefinite protest campaign.
The protest is being carried out in opposition to the suspension of the recruitment examination scheduled to be held tomorrow. Secretary of the Railway Technical Management Assistants Union Kamal Peries explaining the reason behind it said, scheduled interview was postponed following an agreement reached to end the week-long strike.
Peries said, technicians of the railway service had to meet a Cabinet Subcommittee under the instructions of the Salary Commission, then meet with the Management Department, State Administration officers, receive approval from the Cabinet, confirm salary scales and then undergo the recruitment process. He noted this recruitment process was approved only in 2016, after a ten year struggle. He added the gazette notification was issued calling for recruitment during last November, while the closing date for the examination was scheduled for tomorrow following which the exam would be held. Kamal Peries cited the suspension of the examination unfair claiming the rights of 5,000 employees have been denied.