Issue of National Identity Card Without Birth Certificate

Issue of National Identity Card Without Birth Certificate

Commissioner General of the Department of Registration Viyani Gunatileke said, that among those eligible voters, 3 lakhs of them have not obtained National Identity Cards. Main reason appears to be that they don’t have their birth certificates.
After a brief discussion held with the Department of Election, a separate unit has been established in the department of registration to issue NICs to them. Those who do not possess a birth certificate, should submit an affidavit giving self details along with the copies of NICs of three close relations or NICs of three prominent people in the area where they live. These applications should be submitted to the Grama Sevaka, who has to check the credentials and recommend to the Divisional Secretary. On certification given by the DS, application should be forwarded to the department of registration.
Commissioner General said, already 5000 applications have been received by this special unit and 1,000 people had been issued with the NICs.