Danger of a  China’s Satellite Hitting the Earth.

Danger of a  China’s Satellite Hitting the Earth.

A Chinese satellite on space has lost control. Hence, possibility of hitting the earth exists. Danger of poisonous molecules in the satellite reaching the earth is warned by the scientists. This satellite was sent to the space and functioning as the biggest space station. Between January and March 2018, it will completely lose control. Now the satellite is orbiting 300 Kilo meters away from the earth.
A substance called hydrogen used as fuel to send satellite reaching the earth is warned. This chemical can cause cancer, Scientists say.
Poisonous Chinese satellite called “Tiangong -1 “losing control orbitting in a terrific speed on space is expected to hit the earth in March 2018.
 Scientists have released a world map specifically mentioning the possible locations, where it can hit on earth. Spain, Italy, Turkey, India and America are prime locations highlighted on the world map released by scientists. However, Srilanka too is among the locations indicated by scientists.