Man Eating Leopard Still Haunting in Hatton

Man Eating Leopard Still Haunting in Hatton

Followed by  man eating leopard attack on seven workers at the Panmure estate in Hatton, who were admitted in hospital,  officials of the Department of Wildlife Conservation placed traps to catch it.
But a  joint effort  taken by  the Department of Wildlife Conservation together with doctors from the Udawalawe veterinary hospital yesterday (3), yielded no results as the traps set to capture the leopard were set off by stray dogs in the area.  Officials from the Department of Wildlife Conservation stated that the leopard may have fled away from the estate.
As  estate workers have refrained from attending work in fear of the leopard production in  the Panmure estate has come to a standstill.In addition, children of local school in the vicinity have also boycotted classes in fear of the man eating leopard.