PM and Sobitha Thera signs Common Public Agreement with 110 civil and political organizations

PM and Sobitha Thera signs Common Public Agreement with 110 civil and political organizations


Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe signed the Common Public Agreement with 110 Civil and political organizations this morning at the Sri Lanka Foundation institute.

Convener of the National movement for a Just society Venerable Maduluwawe Sobitha Thera also signed the agreement.

Leaders of the United National Front as well as representatives of several civil organizations were present at the occasion.

The agreement was named as Common Public Agreement which would protect, strengthen and continue the victory achieved on the 8th of January.

The agreement includes 14 factors such as introducing a new constitutional system, eliminating the Executive presidency and establishing a cabinet ruling system which is answerable to the parliament, in addition to abolishing preferential voting system and appointing an MP to each electorate with representatives chosen from all communities and political standpoints.

Expressing his views regarding the multifaceted agreement which covers a wide spectrum of sectors and subjects, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe had this to say.