President to Appoint a New Prime Minister &  A Cabinet After The 10th of February- Dilan

President to Appoint a New Prime Minister &  A Cabinet After The 10th of February- Dilan

While speaking to media in Badulla, State Minister Dilan Perera claims that he will request the President to appoint a new Prime Minister and a Cabinet after the 10th of February.
He noted that based on the results of the Local Authority Election, a request will be made to appoint a caretaker government.
The State Minister added the country needs a caretaker government to take the country forward.
State Minister Perera said the Sri Lanka Freedom Party needs to support the with the President and his move as the President is taking action against fraudsters.
The State Minister stated several arrests were made in recent days.
 He further said, that the President is firm on taking action against wrongdoers despite allegations made by other contesting parties.