CPC Fuel Hike in the Hands of President & PM

CPC Fuel Hike in the Hands of President & PM

While speaking after meeting and greeting Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Ltd. (CPSTL) staff for Sinhala and Tamil New Year,  Minister of  Petroleum Resources Development  Arjuna Ranatunga said that the decision on increasing prices of fuel marketed by CPC lies in the hands of President and the Prime Minister.
Increasing fuel prices has become the talk of the town these days. Finance Ministry officials are in discussion with our Ministry, but the decision of increasing the fuel prices of Ceylon Petroleum Cooperation  is in the hands of the Government which includes the Cabinet of Ministers, Prime Minister and President.
He  pointed out that successive governments had failed to take a decision on whether they want to run CPC and CPSTL as profit-making entities or continue as a social obligation.
It is high time that the Government takes a clear-cut decision on this matter, he concluded.