Police Officers to get Rs. 75,000 composite allowance

Police Officers to get Rs. 75,000 composite allowance

(FASTNEWS | COLOMBO) – The government has taken a decision to grant all police officers a special composite allowance of 20 days monthly, in addition to their regular salary, according to a State-owned newspaper report.

This allowance of around Rs.75,000 would be paid to all police officers.

This allowance will be paid as an outcome of discussions held two months back between acting IGP C.D.Wickramaratne and Finance Minister Mangala Samaraweera.

The current system requires police officers to submit vouchers and receipts to claim their composite allowance whenever they are posted for duties away from their assigned police stations.

Having taken into account the administrative and other expenses in such instances, the decision had been taken to pay police officers a flat 20-day special allowance as a composite allowance monthly.The composite allowance that was earlier paid to government employees was Rs.350, Rs.400 or Rs.500 per day. However, the current government increased that to Rs.700, Rs.800 and Rs.1000 from 2018.The government also took measures to promote 31,000 Police Constables who had not received promotions for a long period, ranging from Constable to Chief Inspector.