(FASTNEWS | COLOMBO) – Quite recently, the world is facing a pandemic, Coronavirus. To be more specific COVID-19. A novel coronavirus that affected its first few in Wuhan, China and continues to affect thousands around the world, at a prodigious speed. As of now, globally, we have reported 230 thousand reported cases of COVID-19, almost 10 thousand reported dead. The death rate reported to be at 3.4% as of March 3rd, by the WHO. The virus affected and is still affecting a lot of Chinese households and European Households. World Health Organization’s Director-General remarked in a recent media-briefing “Europe has now become the epicenter of the pandemic, with more reported cases and deaths than the rest of the world combined, apart from China”. But on the plus side, there have been close to 90 thousand patients reported to have recovered from ‘Coronavirus’. However it’s important that we still learn the nature of COVID-19 as it seems to be expanding at a rapid pace.
This is in fact a kind of ‘coronavirus’, a novel kind. Even the common cold that we all get can be caused by a distinct strain of coronavirus. But what makes this type of coronavirus novel? Precisely because the virus (COVID-19) ascertains a zoological beginning, it spread initially from an animal carrier to humans. In the beginning of the outbreak it is thought to have been originated from a bat or a snake. So the individuals first affected by the virus had to have been at close proximity with these ‘infected’ animals. The virus then entered the individual’s body and began mutating. This enabled the virus to replicate at an astronomical rate, thus infecting the individual. The virus then, through surface particles and air particles, rapidly spread within humans. Some of the symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, and respiratory dysfunction, but in more extreme cases, pneumonia, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), kidney failure and even death.
Now scientists do not have a definitive idea of the virus’s (COVID-19) ecological origin, since it is majorly irrelevant as of now. However we do need to understand its zoological beginnings in attempt to comprehend a cure. But unfortunately, there is no definitive cure as of now. But ways for the disease to be combatted include respiratory aid and supportive care. This is important as it allows the affected individual to rehabilitate himself, by surviving the horrendous symptoms caused by the deadly virus. In fact this method of cure is used by hospitals and medical caregivers to patients affected by influenza and even cancer.
But as the famous proverb goes ‘Prevention is better than cure’. There are plenty of ways in which you can ‘prevent’ getting infected by the virus. Be healthy, it’s important that you are healthy and active because you will need a physiologically superior state to combat the symptoms, Avoid interaction with anyone who seems to be coughing or sneezing, the virus is transferred through air particles, Seek early medical care if your experiencing mild symptoms, this can provide you the information early on to aid your body against the virus’s affects, and Stay Educated, it imperative that you know whether the virus has affected you geological area and understanding how the virus works can help you to keep away from misinformation.
A recent study shows that 80% of all covid-19 patients experience mild symptoms, whilst 15% undergo sever symptoms; significant shortness of breath, low blood oxygen or other lung problems, and 5% experience sever symptoms; respiratory failure, septic shock or multiple organ problems. Older people (65+) are at a higher risk. Also individuals with preexisting respiratory conditions, heart diseases and diabetes are at significantly higher risk. From recent statistics we learn that from the 131 thousand active cases close to 95% are mild cases whilst 5% severe/critical cases. The reason COVID-19 claimed multiple deaths is largely due to the fact that it spreads rapidly, COVID-19 in its nature is significantly a mild virus.
The death rate still varies from country to country, Italy reporting an almost 7% death rate, Iran reporting an almost 6% death rate and China an almost 3% death rate. But death rate doesn’t determine the chances of you dying. According to Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, COVID-19’s mortality rate is probably around 1%. In comparison the flu is still about 10 times less fatal than the COVID-19.Multiple pathologists have confirmed indeed that a mask won’t help you from escaping the airborne virus. The mask has to have a perfect seal and also has to have a perfect efficacy rate. It’s more advisable to avoid large public gathering, especially if you’re already sick.